The Saugerties Athletic Association will be having a 2023 SAA Co-Ed Summer Volleyball League this year.
This is a Tuesday Night League which plays on the two outside courts near the Lions Playground just off Washington Avenue at Cantine Field. The season will start Tuesday, May 30th and run for an 11 week season. This is inclusive of a one playoff week. Game Times are 6:00 PM, 6:40PM and 7:20PM.
Each night will include three games to 18 win by two or 21 point cap. All games will be completed by sundown as there are no lights. We can only handle 12 teams for this League so its first come.
Please complete a Team Application Form and submit to the email address shown below. The deadline for the application submission will be May 15th.
 Please Contact SAA Co-Ed Volleyball Commissioner Robin Pentz - Cell # (845) 594 - 7650 - email address -